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The Bible

The Bible is an extraordinary Book! A Book so amazing and wonderful that you feel drawn to it again and again. No matter how many times you have read it, it is always fresh, alive and powerful. Ancient history always remains new; familiar Truth is food for your soul every time. Never will you be bored of reading the same words and histories of the Bible again. On the contrary, with each new reading you become more attached to the Bible, gain more interest in it, refreshed and comforted and strengthened your soul. You feel it: not man, but God speaks to you. You hear His voice; you read His thoughts; you see His actions; and what is more, you see Him Himself in all His greatness and glory, in all His love and grace. You also see Him Whom He sent, the Lord Jesus, our Savior, the Son of God, the Creator of heaven and earth, the King of the universe.

The Bible is a wonderful Book! It is a Book for everyone. Guilty people it teaches the way to salvation. Tired and burdened people it leads to true rest, hungry people to the true Bread and thirsty souls to the Fountain of living water. Children, youth and fathers and mothers in Christ all find teaching, comfort and guidance in these pages. No one - in whatever condition, circumstance or height of spiritual life he is - will prostrate himself before that Book in vain. Everyone with an honest heart will find just the right answer to all his questions.

It is a Book for everything. No condition of the soul remains unsaid, no situation of life untouched. Troubled people are encouraged, anxious people are reassured, and those who are suffering or sad are comforted. Men and women, parents and children, employers and employees, find in this Book the path they have to take. The obligations incumbent upon them are pointed out to them in it. In a word, for everyone and in all circumstances, an inexhaustible source of instruction, consolation, exhortation and guidance can be found in these hallowed pages.

HC. Voorhoeve